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Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Guide Book: Everything You Need to Know About Quests, Monsters, Weapons


Monster Hunter (モンスターハンター, Monsutā Hantā?) is a series of fantasy-themed action role-playing video games developed and published by Capcom. As the title suggests, the player takes on the role of a hunter in a fantasy setting, slaying or trapping large monsters across various landscapes as part of quests given to them by the locals. As part of its core gameplay loop, players use loot gained from slaying monsters, gathering resources, and quest rewards to craft improved weapons, armor, and other items that allows them to face more powerful monsters. While initially single-player games, more recent titles have up to four-player cooperative play, with all hunters working together to take down monsters.

monster hunter freedom unite guide book

At its core, Monster Hunter is an action RPG. Rather than leveling-up your character's stats, though, the focus is on your equipment. Beginning as a lowly hunter, you have to undertake missions from townsfolk to gain supplies and improve your gear. Tasks range from gathering herbs to stalking massive dragons. It is a slow, difficult, but rewarding crawl to greatness, as you use the bones and hides of monsters to construct better armours and weapons.

-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------------- 4/11/10 2.70 Completed Gravios; Lunastra; and Chameleos strategy; Special thanks to demonpoe666; Molossus; andFred3035 of Minegarde. -----------+----------+---------------------------------------------------- 4/17/10 2.80 Completed Rathalos and Rathain section; Completed Shen Gaoren section. -----------+----------+---------------------------------------------------- 4/25/10 3.00 Completed Lao-Shan Lung and HypnocatriceSection; Finished Elder Rank Quests; We did it! :) xoox/\ /\ _ / \/ \onster unter===================================================--x-----------x---------- [1] FAQ \x===================================================---x "Theimportant thing is not to stop questioning." Albert Einstein Q:Will this guide make me a better Monster Hunter? A: No. Close thiswindow... Yes of course read on. Q: What is Monster Hunter? A:Monster Hunter is an adventure game created by Capcom. You are aHunter in a world full of monsters. In order to fight off thesecreatures you forge armor, through fishing, mining, combiningitems, creating weapons, and making gems to further enhance ourarmor. We do this because we want to become Monster Hunters. Q: Whoare you? A: I am Darksun45230, and maybe, that's all you need toknow. Q: Why isn't this guide done? A: Because...I haven't finishedit yet. Unlike all my previous predecessors I intend to finish thisguide. Why? Because I have 10+ Resistance to Burnout. I'm a stillanxious about releasing it. It's been a long time since I startedwriting this. And I'm afraid by doing this it'll kill mymotivation. However...people need help. Q: Any other sites I shouldknow about? A: :// Minegarde (formally Minegarde)has the end-all weapon branch section. I consultReign-of-the-Rathalos daily for their weapon calculator. Both areoffer a plethora of information, advice, and all with a smile. ^_-*wink* Q: Are there videos out there that can help a Hunter likeme? A: ://

MHNoodles covers the works of Monster Hunter Freedom 2, whileAdmiredFob covers post-MHF2. Their Newbie guides have helpedpropelled Hunters since the game's start. What about Naijiao? Heprofesses in Greatsword Charge Guides. While being something Icover, I cannot cover it to naijiao's degree. Q: How hard is thisgame? A: Hard. Very Hard. This guide will help you deal. Q: Willwhat you teach me make my game easier? A: Who knows? You can't MAKEthe game easy. This guide teaches strategies to take on differentWyverns. Not everything is covered, but most of it and in greatdetails. Just read on. Q: Should I play this game? A: It depends onyour tastes. If you enjoy games from the casual genre then may Idirect you to Pokemon, Plants vs. Zombies, or Team Fortress 2.While offering depth these games are also offer easier difficultythen this one. (Team Fortress 2 being the exception as it dependson who your opponents are.) Q: Do I need to play the Monster HunterFreedom 2? A: No. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is an expansionmeaning you don't need to play MHF2 or have a copy on hand. Q: Isthis a sequel to Monster Hunter Freedom 2? A: Yes and no. This isan expanded version of the original title. This version includesextra content. Q: What are the differences between Monster HunterFreedom 2 and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite? A: An additional rankis capable of being unlocked for both Solo Quests and Guild Quests.G Rank for Guild Quests and Felyne Elder for Solo Quests. There arealso new monsters, weapons, and materials to match each ranks. EvenG Rank Training Quests to prepare you for the career-endingmatches. Along with your own Felyne Fighter, you scale new Areasfrom older Monster Hunter titles like Frontier and the originalMonster Hunter Freedom. A Hunter's Life for Me...again. Q: I'm aveteran of the series, and seriously, what are the differences? A:-- The Ceanataur SUUSS combination has been nerfed. -- Devil Slicerhas an extra requirement, Kirin Tail. -- Hunting Horns receive anadditional song that acts like Sonic Bomb. -- Akantor Bow isnerfed, receives equipment upgrade but never regains domineeringways. -- Pokke Farm removed Gathering animation when materials areno longer present. -- You can send materials directly to the box orsell them (applies with Monsters too.) -- You can treasure huntSolo.

^^ --- --- [1.1] FAQ ------- Beginning FAQ --vv Q: How does thegameplay work? A: The game itself is entirely mission based. Youtake Quests from the village Elder at first, then when you becomestronger you tackler the harder quests available at the Guild Hall.You choose your armor from Gauntlets, Tassets, Mails, and Boots;each item is customizable so you can mix and match whatever youwant. With a plethora of weapons ranging from Lances, Gunlances,Bows, Swords and Shields, Dual Swords, Greatswords, Longswords,Bowguns, Hammers, and Hunting Horns; it's a hunter's life for me.Each weapon you have can execute a series of combos, Triangle,Triangle, Triangle is most common. Each of the twelve weapon typesyou acquire has a varying degree of effectiveness against certainmonsters. Ergo, adding a level of strategy and tacticsunprecedented in any game imaginable. Q: What are weapon types? A:Short answer, they are the eleven weapons you start out with at thegame's beginning. Long answer, each weapon has it's own subtleattributes that make it versatile and completely different from anyother weapon. Each weapon offers a challenging, and unique aspectwhen compared to another weapon of it's kind. Hence, weapon types.Q: What weapon type should I start out with? A: SnS, otherwiseknown as Sword and Shield. It's the easiest weapon to use as itprovides both balance and mobility. The perfect weapon for anybeginner. Q: What are missions? A: Missions are the bulk of thegame. They are quest that you do for fixed amount of Zenny(currency) and the materials that come from felling said monster.Why? Because it's what a Monster Hunter does. Q: What are Maps? A:Maps are specific locations that you arrive at when a missionbegins. Some take place during the day, or at night. There aresubtle environmental differences, like, at night Swamp water ispoisonous. It is important you know where you're going. If you'regoing to the Desert to hunt Monoblos, shouldn't you bring ColdDrink? Forgetting to do that in later quests can mean thedifference between victory and defeat. Q: What are Armor Skills? A:Armor skills are the basic of the basic things you should know.Each piece of armor in Monster Hunter comes with armor skillpoints. When you equip a set as a whole, chances are those skillpoints will add up.

Q: What are Decorations? A: Gems that attach to your armor thatgive you skill points. When you have met the requirements toactivate the skill it will add to your "Status" screen. Example:You have Hermituar Armor. The helm gives you 1 point, the torsoarmor gives you 2 points, the gauntlets give you 2 points, thetasset gives you 2 points, and the greaves give you 2 points (thesearen't the actual stats I'm just using this for sake of clarity.)You have a total of 9 Skill Points applied to Guard however youneed one more skill point to activate the skill. What do you do?Each piece of armor has slots for a Gem from one slot to three.Most armor pieces have at least one slot. If we make a Guard Gemand attach it the Hermituar armor, that makes a total of 10 skillpoints and the skill Guard activates. Got it? If not don't worry,it's simpler then it sounds. Q: Arrg! I can't beat [Insert WyvernHere!] A: This is going to sound redundant, because it is, but thisguide will help you deal. Search this guide throughly, if you needsomething I can't provide look to either the Monster Hunter Freedom2 FAQs or the Monster Hunter Freedom Unite FAQs. Be aware of thedifferences between the two games. If you're more of a visualperson hit YouTube and search for videos. I guarantee you'll findat least one or more Hunters out there taking your Wyvern on withease. Q: What are Secret Areas? A: They are places that allow youto collect special items. However they are only available duringHR4+ Quests and only on the Snowy Mountain, Desert, Swamp, andVolcano maps. You can't find them normally; instead you must startthere at the beginning of the mission. The chances of thishappening are 3%. However the Felyne Explorer Whim skill can makethat 100%. Q: What are Treasure Hunts? A: They are quests thatinvolve collecting items in order to gain points. The more pointsyou gain, the more that transfer over to Pokke Farm after. UsualTreasure Hunts involve teaming up with more then one person to'farm' for materials and items to deposit in the supply box. Youkill monsters and collect various items that you wouldn't normallyfind in regular missions. They all add up to points down the road,the rarer they are, the more points they're worth. Q: Where do Iget (Insert Coin Here?) A: Coins can only be acquired when beatinga Training quest. The school is located near the Guild Hall to theleft. These coins unlock a special type of armor called "BlackBelt," the Training Instructor is wearing a full set of this. 2ff7e9595c


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